Think|Stack is ready to work closely with your credit union or non-profit to assess the current state of your IT environment and cybersecurity platforms and how they support your members. We will conduct a series of workshops with your leadership team to understand the business goals and long-term strategy of the credit union or non-profit. With a clear understanding of the current state and future vision, we will build a detailed technology roadmap specifically for your credit union or non-profit.
Our team will conduct virtual workshops to discover the following:
Conduct Virtual Journey Mapping Session
Think|Stack will work with your credit union or non-profit to identify 2-3 processes that are critical to the organization's operations. Through a virtual journey mapping session, we will dissect the process step-by-step in an effort to understand and document the process steps, the people and technology involved, and identify potential threats and opportunities to improve credit union or non-profit's operations through design thinking and technology solutions.
Conduct Virtual Whiteboard Session with Technology Staff
This session allows for both Think|Stack and the credit union or non-profit to understand what technology they have, and where they should prioritize their resources. It will clearly outline where their technology is working, and where it is falling short and causing unnecessary problems for members and staff.
This includes a review of:
Your customized credit union or non-profit technology roadmap.
Our team of experts will walk you through and deliver a written report of our findings, along with a thoroughly documented future-ready technology strategy that clearly identifies immediate priorities for the credit union or non-profit.
Built specifically for your credit union or non-profit, based on your size, member needs and aligned with your resources in mind, our technology roadmap will give you a step-by-step, quarterly timeline and associated budget for the years ahead. And we'll be there for you, every step of the way.