This weekend, we will honor the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Having spent my career in the public sector working in the Defense and Homeland Security environment, I know firsthand the hefty price tag that comes with keeping our country a bastion of freedom, hope and promise. Even though this global health crisis has, at times, made us feel uncertain and isolated, we can also take comfort that many others are standing on the front line every day to keep those freedoms and ideals intact.
So on this Memorial Day weekend, I invite you to also think about those serving both domestically and abroad in a new war with an unknown and complex enemy. Many of us are unsure how to do this. "Thank you for your service" can be and often are empty words... part of our civic routines. Not good enough.
How about replacing those with:
"Thank you for missing the birth of your baby while on deployment or working in the ICU to keep us safe and healthy."
"Thank you for saving the lives of the other men and women in your unit, costing you a permanent disability."
"Thank you for believing that what you do is done in the name of democracy and freedom, and when it is not, for being ready to be a philosopher warrior and question it until it changes the reality of the battlefield."
"Thank you for developing some of the most advanced skill sets that make the U.S. Armed Forces, the scientific community, and public safety officials one of the last bastions of genuine critical thinking and scientific literacy."
"Thank you for joining the service and the front lines, so those who don't want to don't have to. You make this all-volunteer force possible."
"Thank you for your commitment to human rights and the rule of law."
"Thank you to your spouse and kids for all those months when they have to deal with the heavy burden and emptiness of not having you around. As a community, we owe it to you to keep them safe and comfortable until your return. We sometimes fail."
How do you say thank you, and I am sorry at the same time to those families that will not get to say "welcome back"? Tears, not words, may be the only honest way to do so.
"Thank you for coming back and joining the civilian life as a cop or a fireman, a nurse, or a businessman or an entrepreneur. Your knowledge is precious... your memories of past conflicts, essential."
From the team at Think|Stack, we thank every member of our Armed Forces, and everyone serving to fight this new battle; the nurses, doctors, cops, firefighters and the countless others risking their lives every day to keep us and our families safe.
We Transform & Protect by putting People Before Technology. We believe that the technology your business relies on should be used to drive transformation and lead to a seamless user experience. In uncertain times it’s important to partner with people and companies you can trust. Think|Stack was built for situations like this, to help those who weren’t.
If you’re unsure what to do next or if you have questions about your technology, our Think|Stack tribe is here to help, contact us anytime.
About the Author

Cal Bowman
VP Strategy & Innovation